I’ve always been a very visual person but, for some reason, I’ve largely shied away from traditional art and design. I never studied it and never really had a real penchant for it, other than just being visually-oriented. For years, I put all my “extra” energy into music, food, and photography (often combining them in various ways, like concert photography, making live music mixes, etc…). But in terms of design, I always just did it for work, first as a budding web developer and more recently as a Product Manager in SaaS, focused on UX and web design.

But at some point, I started taking some of the design tools from my day job and began using them for fun to create random pieces of digital “art.” What I started “on a whim” gradually became more of an obsession that I didn’t want to stop. It was just art and design for the sake of creating something interesting to my eyes.

Below is a running catalog of some of those efforts. I have no idea if this is any “good” as actual “art,” but I don’t really care. I know I like looking at them, and that is really all that matters, right?

If you like any of these designs, please let me know here or on instagram. If you think you might be willing to pay something for a copy of any of these, you can email me or check out my store.

Lots more to follow!