Song of the Day: “Wakin’ on a Pretty Day” by Kurt Vile

Really been digging this new Kurt Vile record….

As far as overall sound and vibe, I still think my original tweet was pretty accurate:


(go here for a bit more info on that Sus2 chord I mentioned)

Of course, like any solid album, this one takes a few listens to really grow on ya. I highly recommend picking up a copy.

codeblog: okay, now we’re coding; what about fixing the process?

This week’s coding adventure at Sailthru was fairly similar to last week, but my workload was much more varied in terms of coding HTML emails vs. actual programming (i.e. using Sailthru’s scripting language, Zephyr). I spent quite a bit more time digging through Sailthru’s dev docs to find solutions to programming challenges in order to add content and user data to a variety of email templates. Continue Reading…

codeblog: slicing & dicing….and breaking html emails

This past week at Sailthru was all about digging back into the painful process of coding HTML emails.

First the rough spot….one of the key lessons for this week is all about coding from scratch vs. using some kind of pre-baked code or using exported code from a program. The latter can be helpful, but it’s never a panacea in the world of web development. I knew this, but now I know it even better. Continue Reading…

codeblog: a gradual ramp-up, a new title, and “implementing” client dev projects

The week at Sailthru started off a bit slow, with some follow-up from last week’s first full html email coding session. Overall, my take on coding html emails from last’s weeks post still stands, but I don’t really mind it when it gets mixed in with some more programming-heavy projects. And that’s a pretty good description of this week’s workload…a mix of a few different projects. Continue Reading…

Song of the Day: The Barr Brothers – “Even The Darkness Has Arms”

Ok, so I’ve written these guys up before, but this song is new to me and just so f-ing good…

That opening dual guitar part is utter perfection. It’d be great with just one guitar, but I love how the second guitar follows along with the melody.

I have no idea if the Barr Brothers are working on a new album, but I just hope they keep releasing new tunes like this. Keep ’em coming guys!

codeblog: getting started at sailthru and learning new programming languages


I just completed the 1st week of my wed dev apprenticeship at Sailthru, which helps businesses and brands engage with “smart data” to deliver custom, real-time experiences to millions of users. As often happens with the 1st few days at a new company, we spent a good amount of time on HR items, orientation and some training, including a full-day orientation session. Continue Reading…