Ticketmaster Missing an Easy Opportunity: Make Confirmation Pages More Social

https://www.amyglaze.com/ad0e61n Last Friday, I bought a bunch of tickets via Ticketmaster. Check out the confirmation page for my White Denim tix:

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https://www.infotonicsmedia.com/about/valium-online-sale.php Besides being busy and looking pretty awful overall, notice what’s missing? How about a way for me to share the show to friends or add to my calendar? Considering I immediately shot a note out to a few friends about the shows I just bought tickets to, I think this would be a prime spot for them to at least add some social networking links.


https://www.mssbizsolutions.com/thkxxnn I had a spare minute over the weekend, so I took to Microsoft Paint and created my reaction in visual form:

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https://hereisnewyorkv911.org/7hc565ekte Now I know that TM/Live Nation have taken some small steps to make their websites more social, but from what I’ve seen, most of those social features are geared towards the pre-purchase areas like search and event pages. But having gone through the purchase process a couple of times on Friday, it struck me that the confirmation page was likely the go site best and Buying Tramadol Online Cod most logical place to add social networking buttons and calendar options.

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https://www.mckenziesportsphysicaltherapy.com/pbdefrlyz And this isn’t just me being a live music freak….there’s actual data to back-up the importance of social media for spreading events out to the masses. Ticketfly has been beating this drum for years now. Also, check out this recent blog post from Eventbrite: Social Commerce: A closer look at the numbers. A few of their key findings:

  • Over the last six months, 40% of sharing through Facebook occurred on the event page (pre-purchase) vs. 60% of sharing which occurred on the order confirmation page (post-purchase). This tells us that the motivation to share is higher once the purchase is made and the attendee is committed.
  • Not only is the motivation to share post-purchase higher, that share is more meaningful than a pre-purchase one. A post-purchase share on Facebook drives 20% more ticket sales per share than a pre-purchase one.
  • 1% of the people who looked at an event page before purchasing a ticket shared it. But once on the order confirmation page 10% people shared it.
  • A post-purchase share on Facebook also drives 20% more ticket sales than a pre-purchase one.

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One thought on “Ticketmaster Missing an Easy Opportunity: Make Confirmation Pages More Social

  1. Buy Thai Valium Online Ticketmaster isn’t run by living/breathing human beings, therein lies the problem.
