This week, my technical apprenticeship at Sailthru (through General Assembly) officially comes to an end. As such, I thought I’d take a quick look back at my initial goals and objectives to provide a short debrief on my experience overall… Continue Reading…
enterMonthly Archives: May 2013
Song of the Day: “À tout à l’heure” by Bibio Justin posted this to LMB a week or two back, so I’m playing a little catch-up game here, but I’m really diggin’ the vibe on this track. It’s kind of made for a nice, sunny spring day. Check it out: There are some similarities to Tycho‘s mellow, feel-good electro, but with the added element of the vocals hitting on a catchy melody. I also really like the guitar track as the main thematic hook, and it’s all held together nicely with that thick bass guitar laying down the foundation. Good stuff. As always, I suggest going direct to the source on this one.
Song of the Day: “Confidence” by the Dodos
go I was psyched to see that the Dodos have some new tunes coming out. This is a bit of a slow creeper, but it really picks up towards the end.
watch For a band that used to mainly be an acoustic guitar and drums duo, this gets pretty damn riff-tastic. Kind of bummed we gotta wait until August for the full record to come out, but I’ll definitely be grabbin’ a copy and you should too.
codeblog: JSON, JSON, Jason Last week, I walked through a bit of a tutorial on how to use data feeds to populate and repeat blocks of html content in html emails for Sailthru’s personalization service.
Where To Buy Valium In London This past week was all about digging further into JSON feeds and more specific data sets that can be passed into Sailthru’s system via APIs. Continue Reading…
codeblog: programming html emails with sailthru’s zephyr code
Order Tramadol Overnight Shipping So the past couple weeks at Sailthru, I’ve really settled into the day-to-day routine pretty nicely. We’ve had a steady amount of work, which has generally been a mix of building out raw html emails templates and programming those templates with Sailthru’s Zephyr scripting language.
click I thought I’d try something new this week. Rather than doing a general overview of the work week and dropping in a few animated gifs for comedic value, I thought I’d dig into the code a bit and explain a little more about our process for adding programming snippets into html emails. Here goes… Continue Reading…
Song of the Day: “Wakin’ on a Pretty Day” by Kurt Vile Really been digging this new Kurt Vile record….
source site As far as overall sound and vibe, I still think my original tweet was pretty accurate:
Buying Tramadol Online Reviews new Kurt Vile has a distinct vibe…kinda like one big/long sus2 chord –> ‘Wakin On A Pretty Daze’ via @nprmusic — Marc Whitman (@whitperson) April 1, 2013
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Tramadol Sales Cheap (go here for a bit more info on that Sus2 chord I mentioned) Of course, like any solid album, this one takes a few listens to really grow on ya. I highly recommend picking up a copy.