diggin’ into the big apple, part II: new apartment in brooklyn

source Linds and I finally went back to NYC mid-July for the full apartment search. As most people will say, the apt. search in NYC is a whole different beast than it is in most other major U.S. cities. We’ve dealt with searches in Boston, Chicago, etc… but we knew we really had to gear up for the worst when dealing with NYC.

https://www.infotonicsmedia.com/about/buy-diazepam-bulk.php Luckily, we did our research and really honed in on a couple of key areas during a separate trip where we basically walked half of the city (well, maybe only a quarter, but it sure felt like half on Sunday!). It may have been a bit excessive, but I am really glad we made the scouting trip. Upon our return to the city, we were able to focus our apt. hunt on just a few areas of Brooklyn, including Cobble Hill, Boerum Hill, and Park Slope.

watch IMG_2900

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Digging into the Big Apple – First Pre-Move Visit to NYC

follow url NYC Walkin'

https://www.acp-online.org/image/best-valium-online.php Linds and I took an “exploratory trip” to NYC this past weekend, our first visit to NYC since we finalized our plans to make the move there this summer. With a city so vast and amazing as New York, we decided we needed to take a weekend just to explore some neighborhoods and see what would be the best fit for us. This photo above pretty much sums up the entire weekend, as we walked huge portions of the city (a good 4-6 hours each day). It was a great way to see a number of neighborhoods in Manhattan and Brooklyn, even though my feet were hating me by the end of each day. As Linds said, it felt like we went on a backpacking trip in the city. It was fun and exhausting, but the tasty food options really helped ease the pain…

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Food Fun: Mas Salsa Por Favor

here I couldn’t get enough of the fresh salsa we made a few weeks back, so I went for round two. It’s such a simple recipe, but is worlds beyond anything you can buy in a store:

enter mas salsa por favor

Buy Diazepam Australia https://www.boasdeibiza.com/boat/buy-diazepam-5mg-online.php Ingredients:
Ripe tomatoes (I like plum tomatoes the best; they’re usually pretty cheap and don’t have tons of seeds/pulp)
Onion (I prefer vidalia; sweet and not too over-powering)
Fresh Cilantro (absolutely key; dried doesn’t even come close)
Jalanpeños (2 or 3 sliced/diced/de-seeded)
Fresh Lime juice (limes are cheap and c’mon, it’s not that hard to squeeze your own)
Salt to taste
Optional ingredients: fresh ground black pepper, cumin, and granulated garlic
(I like to add a few pinches of each of these)

go I don’t think I’ve ever measured out anything for this recipe. I’d say you want about 2-1 ratio of tomatoes to onions. The cilantro and other ingredients really depend on your tastes. Do you want it hotter? Add more Jalanpeños or kick it up a notch with habañeros instead (you can also use cayenne pepper if you don’t have fresh peppers). Add salt and lime to taste, but keep in mind that it needs to sit a nice 15-20 minutes to let the flavors combine. Serve with your favorite tortilla chips.

https://opponix.com/gzvzd9c31ei This is great for Spring/Summer pot luck parties, and it goes perfectly with a light beer w/ a lime wedge. The time this takes to make is far outweighed by the impression it can make on your friends. Enjoy.

Photo Fun: Food Photo Porn

https://tudiabetesbajocontrol.com/relanzam/buy-diazepam-online-australia.php I am a bit of a foodie, so it’s natural that I’ve recently started taking a lot more photos of good grub. After uploading a few recent food photos from my digital camera, I realized I had a pretty decent archive of food pics already up on my flickr page. So, I compiled all my food photos into one flickr set and grabbed a few samples to post here. It feels a tad odd, as it’s kind of a way of fetishizing what one eats, but it’s also just kinda fun to capture good grub on camera. Check it out:

https://www.frolic-through-life.com/2025/01/c86ul2p Buffalo Burger #1 banana pancakesgrilled salmonMmmmmmm.IMG_0738IMG_0688IMG_0798Picture 018

https://www.acp-online.org/image/buy-real-valium-online.php Okay, now I am officially hungry!

Twitterizing Facebook: Some Suggestions for Better Interactivity

see I have been digging into Twitter a bit as of late (micro-blogging is all the rage!). Although it’s been around for a while now, it seems like it has really caught on in the last few months.  Unlike other social media applications/services (MySpace, Facebook), Twitter allows for some cool interactivity and utilizes some interesting coding to connect users and topics (here’s a Twitter primer for the uninitiated)

Purchase Tramadol Overnight Cheap I recently connected my Facebook page with my Twitter account so that all my tweets automatically get posted as status updates on Facebook.  But one thing I have noticed is that within the Facebook context, lots of my Twitter updates don’t make a lot of sense. This is mainly because I often use some of the extra coding and markings that work only with the Twitter application. For example, users can highlight certain topics by adding  hashtags (the # symbol) to words (like #finalfour). This allows for all posts with those hashtags to be grouped together and searched (i.e. if you’re tweeting about the super bowl, it’d be #superbowl). Another really useful tag is the @ symbol, which allows you to tag and respond to another user by writing @username (for me @whitperson).  These are key interactive features that have made Twitter such a popular social media tool.

Buy Diazepam In Bulk After watching the way that integrating my Facebook book account with my Twitter feed has worked, I have been thinking that Facebook really needs to add some similar features to further extend Facebook’s interactive quality and, in a sense, to compete with the popularity of Twitter. Both features above (the hash tags for topics and the @name of friends), could really be useful within the Facebook context. For example, the @name feature could be useful if you want to call out a friend by name and have that update show up on their profile. I actually tried to do this in a recent status update, as I wanted to give a shout-out to some friends who have turned me on to music and musicians that I now love. I posted an update as a  “musical discovery shout out” to my friend Dave, but he had no idea that I tagged him becuase it didn’t automatically show up in his profile. On Twitter I would have tagged him as @DaveSmith and he would have seen that on his feed and have been able to respond immediately. That kind of interaction seems to be exactly the kind of thing Facebook would want to encourage.

follow link The #hashtag topics feature could also be very useful in discussing topics amongst your network of friends. For example, if you have a bunch of friends that are really into a certain TV show, they could easily post updates with a hash tag for the TV show, allowing for an ongoing and  open discussion of the show with all your Facebook friends.

Order Tramadol Overnight Uk Given some recent updates to the Facebook profile pages, it’s clear that Zuckerberg and crew are taking a serious look at Twitter’s popularity and understanding that Facebook needs to continue to innovate and adapt. They recently made some changes to give Facebook a more real-time, immediate type of interactivity, but I’d think if they were going to take some cues from Twitter, they’d find ways to emulate some of Twitter’s best interactive features. These seem to be two obvious candidates, and with the ever-expanding largesse of Facebook, adding features like these could have some resounding affects throughout the worldwide FB network.

Photo Fun: Remembering My Alaskan Sea Kayaking Trek

enter An old friend recently posted some photos on Facebook from our Camp Echo days that reminded me of all the photos I had but never took the time to scan in as digital prints. Although I “wasted” away a solid Saturday afternoon with the scanner and my flickr page, it was really fun to re-live some of those great summer moments. I especially liked digging back through the photos from my Sea Kayaking Trip in Alaska. It may not have cost as much as a KNOLs or Outward Bound trip, but it sure was just as a amazing.

https://thelowegroupltd.com/xagvwfba Here are a few of my favs:
Morning on the Prince William SoundSunset on the Prince William Soundkayaking whitpersonFull Group Pose

https://www.accessoriesresourceteam.org/art/buying-valium-online-legal.php At one campsite, we found this enormous rock jutting out of the ground. My friend Andy and I took turns just settin’ on this thing and embracing the Alaskan summer. I think I may have even tried to write an essay about being on that rock because it was such a powerful natural setting…

https://www.pslra.org/7fkqcaeu therock

Here’s the entire photo set.

Live Music Musings is looking good and so is my Twitter profile

Sometimes a little time, effort, patience, and tinkering just does the trick. I am NOT a tech guy, but I managed to make some key updates to two of my sites this weekend and I thought I’d share my small accomplishments:

Live Music Musings is starting to look like a real blog again. Check it out:


If you click through to the homepage, you might be displayed a different header image. That’s because I made some tweaks and set up a rotating header. It may seem like a small thing, but I really like the idea of having a fresh look for new and returning visitors.

I was also able to make a couple nice tweaks to my twitter profile, adding some basic bio info, a larger image, and some links as an overlay to the big blue live concert image I am using as a backdrop. I am diggin it for now…


I often lack a bit of patience with technology, so it’s nice to find some moments where I can actually make it work for me. I still have a lot to learn, but I’ll take the small wins when I can get ’em.

my tracks: a little sample from my loop pedal

3/28 update:

Justin just clued me in on this nifty Yahoo Media Player plugin that converts all your mp3 files to playable tracks and includes an overlay media player on the bottom left of the site. I thought I’d update this old post with the new player. Good stuff, check it out:

The Grey Green


I thought I’d test out this audio player plugin with a little ditty from my loop pedal. I put this together on-the-fly a few nights ago.

let me know what you think.