source link After last week’s “slice fail” and general spinning of wheels at Sailthru, I felt quite a bit more comfortable coding up html emails this week, which was the bulk of our workload. We learned a key lesson last week, that it’s always better to code emails fresh and not rely on any kind of quick fix html export. With that in mind, I dug into the code with purpose and I was actually able to churn out two solid templates in a much shorter time than the last full template I attempted. Although it was still a pretty tedious process, I definitely felt like I was getting the knack for it and picking up some little tricks along the way. In fact, I even surprised myself when I was able to quickly dig into someone else’s rather messy code and handle a few quick fixes for an account manager who was in a time crunch. While I don’t see myself wanting to code html emails all the time, I do like being able to chalk it up as a useful arrow in my quiver of web dev tools. Continue Reading…