Loop Pedal Fun, Part 2: Because Sometimes I Attempt to Make Music

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https://opponix.com/9jcev9u I put this post together a while back when my loop pedal was acting wonky and I had to pull off all the data before bringing it into the shop. In that process I had re-discovered some old loops that actually weren’t too bad. I made a quick attempt at improving the sound quality in an audio editor and then gave each of them a quick name — literally the first words that I thought of when I heard them again. I have no idea why I never posted this, so I figured…why not bust it out in the new year?

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https://www.pslra.org/7kgtqe4yp Like my previous audio posts, there are definitely some mellow, lullaby-like sounds going on here. But there are also a few other cool themes like a Western/desert thing and other more psychedelic sounds. It certainly ain’t hi-fi but it’s not bad considering the low-budget equipment and that all of these were recorded on-the-fly, completely as improv (the one exception being track #1, the “Drift Away Instrumental,” which was actually my attempt at capturing the groove from the original loop in track #2).

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My Tracks: Loop Pedal Lullabies

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https://hereisnewyorkv911.org/p519p7appwg I started digging back into some old loops I created earlier this year on my Digitech Jamman loop pedal. I’d forgotten some of the cool thematic/melodic stuff I put together, so I thought I’d post a couple sample tracks.


see Unfortunately, on these samples, the lead guitar tone doesn’t get the much-needed reverb from my amp and the mix isn’t exactly perfect. But for simple one-time loops that were created on-the-fly, I think these are pretty solid and have some decent potential for full songs:


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https://www.frolic-through-life.com/2025/01/oq2ad9h69e Someday, I’ll finally get this home studio set-up properly and give these themes more of a full-song treatment.

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https://www.acp-online.org/image/valium-pills-online.php By the way, both loops have a bit of a lullaby feel, hence the name of the post.
