New Web App: Best Ever Live Version (v1)

go here After some little battles with Amazon Web Services and Heroku, I’ve finally got a new Rails app up and running today. Here’s the description:

Best Ever Live Version

Order Tramadol Cod Online besteverliveversion

Tramadol Online Canada get link Best Ever Live Version is rails app I built for curating the best versions of live concert audio. Registered users can upload or link to their favorite live tracks by providing their own audio, or they can take advantage of a nifty search-and-add functionality that taps into  the web’s largest archive of concert audio (the Live Music Archive). In the future, I’m hoping to add a few key features including: playlist and voting capabilities, basic track editing (for fade-in and fade-out), and a more robust set of sharing options.

enter (side note: in case you’re wondering about the name, it is a tongue-in-cheek play on the common post-show responses of overly-enthusiastic fans claiming that a specific version of a song was the “BEST EVER!”)

follow If you’re curious about other apps that I’ve built, check out my portfolio page or dig into the code on my github profile. Also, if you’ve got any suggestions or want to contribute, please don’t hesitate to contact me, or just go ahead and fork the project from Github.

Latest from LMB: We Need a High-Quality Paid Webcast for Phish Concerts

Tramadol Canada Online Although I am excited for my recent foray into the world of Live Music 2.0, I am also very pleased with another column I recently posted over at Live Music Blog and had been thinking about for quite some time:

go to link Phish Friday: An Open Letter to Phish and Red Light Management
(aka We Need a High-Quality Paid Webcast for Phish Concerts) I definitely felt I made some good points and did my research, but I was honestly taken aback at the response — both in terms of commentary and site traffic — that this post generated. Also, while it specifically addresses Phish and their fan base, I think there are aspects of my arguments that could be made for any number of large and mid-tier touring acts out there today. ~~~
Here’s a brief intro:

source url After witnessing the evolving and ever-expanding online activity surrounding Phish’s recent reunion tour, I’m now thoroughly convinced that the Phish fan base is primed and ready for a high-quality and paid live video stream for the band’s next tour. If done properly and in innovative Phish fashion, it could create an untapped revenue stream for the band while allowing more Phish fans to engage with the band’s music – in particular those fans that can’t make it out to every show on tour.

Cheap Tramadol Online Overnight Given the band’s recent history of wanting to scale down their in-house operations, I could see why you might think that a large-scale paid webcast would not be worth the large investment and effort it most certainly would require. But it’d be wrong to think so. There are some very compelling reasons why this should happen now and why Phish is the band to do it.

enter site Come join the conversation at Live Music Blog.

New Post on LMB – Live Music 2.0: Concerts and the Social Web Just last week, I finally posted a column over at Live Music Blog that I’ve been thinking about for a long time. It’s really just an introduction to a topic/concept, but I am really excited about where this one is going:

Live Music 2.0: Concerts and the Social Web

Here’s a brief intro:

Over the past few years, as this whole web 2.0 thing has really grown and progressed, we’ve seen a number of new sites launch that are specifically geared towards live music fans on the web. In a sense, all of them exist to help fans track and follow their favorite touring bands/artists in a variety of ways, but with a focus on their live shows rather than their studio output (which is amply covered by a slew of Music 2.0 sites and services).

While a lot of these sites have not yet emerged into the larger music business landscape, there’s no doubt in my mind that web technologies in general will continue to affect and disrupt the live music space, as they’ve already been doing quite drastically with the recording industry. Back when I was able to dedicate more of my free time to Live Music Blog, I was really interested in exploring this space in depth. Although we have occasionally posted about some of these sites — mentioning and ShowClix or talking up the latest feature from JamBase — we’ve never really focused on them directly as a key topic. We’d like to change that. Since we are a site dedicated to live music, it only makes sense to look at the related web services and sites that serve all of US as a community of fans. I’d like to finally re-visit my original idea and dig a bit deeper into all the sites and services that form what we call “Live Music 2.0.”

More (and much more to follow) over at Live Music Blog.

New Live Music Blog Podcast: Best of Phish Summer ‘09 Improv

Phish @ Comcast in Hartford, CT 8/14/09 - 8

I finally made my triumphant return to Live Music Blog, after a fairly long hiatus due to all our moving chaos earlier this summer. Since I was lucky enough to catch a few Phish shows this summer, I decided to collect what I thought were the best improvisational segments from all of their summer shows. I mixed them all together DJ-style, and we just posted the mix as our latest podcast on LMB:

see Podcast #065 | Best of Phish Summer ‘09 Improv

I’ve had various friends comment on my mixes, suggesting that they’re great workout and/or study music (since a lot of these are similar “improv-only” mixes of all instrumentals). So even if you’re not a Phish fan, you might like this for studying if you find music with vocals distracting. Of course, if you are a Phish fan, I think it goes without saying that you’ll dig the mix.

This is our 65th podcast, so there are obviously a bunch of others in the archives. Check ’em out here: Live Music Blog Podcasts.


Live Music Musings is looking good and so is my Twitter profile

Sometimes a little time, effort, patience, and tinkering just does the trick. I am NOT a tech guy, but I managed to make some key updates to two of my sites this weekend and I thought I’d share my small accomplishments:

Live Music Musings is starting to look like a real blog again. Check it out:


If you click through to the homepage, you might be displayed a different header image. That’s because I made some tweaks and set up a rotating header. It may seem like a small thing, but I really like the idea of having a fresh look for new and returning visitors.

I was also able to make a couple nice tweaks to my twitter profile, adding some basic bio info, a larger image, and some links as an overlay to the big blue live concert image I am using as a backdrop. I am diggin it for now…


I often lack a bit of patience with technology, so it’s nice to find some moments where I can actually make it work for me. I still have a lot to learn, but I’ll take the small wins when I can get ’em.