Ticketmaster Missing an Easy Opportunity: Make Confirmation Pages More Social

enter Last Friday, I bought a bunch of tickets via Ticketmaster. Check out the confirmation page for my White Denim tix:



https://danivoiceovers.com/awcos5egv6 Besides being busy and looking pretty awful overall, notice what’s missing? How about a way for me to share the show to friends or add to my calendar? Considering I immediately shot a note out to a few friends about the shows I just bought tickets to, I think this would be a prime spot for them to at least add some social networking links.

Tramadol Hcl 50 Mg Purchase I had a spare minute over the weekend, so I took to Microsoft Paint and created my reaction in visual form: Continue Reading…

New Post on LMB – Live Music 2.0: Concerts and the Social Web

enter site Just last week, I finally posted a column over at Live Music Blog that I’ve been thinking about for a long time. It’s really just an introduction to a topic/concept, but I am really excited about where this one is going:

see Live Music 2.0: Concerts and the Social Web

https://www.marineetstamp.com/jl3q00p6hp2 Here’s a brief intro:

Order Tramadol Over the past few years, as this whole web 2.0 thing has really grown and progressed, we’ve seen a number of new sites launch that are specifically geared towards live music fans on the web. In a sense, all of them exist to help fans track and follow their favorite touring bands/artists in a variety of ways, but with a focus on their live shows rather than their studio output (which is amply covered by a slew of Music 2.0 sites and services).

https://www.elevators.com/bzr8g52fy While a lot of these sites have not yet emerged into the larger music business landscape, there’s no doubt in my mind that web technologies in general will continue to affect and disrupt the live music space, as they’ve already been doing quite drastically with the recording industry. Back when I was able to dedicate more of my free time to Live Music Blog, I was really interested in exploring this space in depth. Although we have occasionally posted about some of these sites — mentioning iLike.com and ShowClix or talking up the latest feature from JamBase — we’ve never really focused on them directly as a key topic. We’d like to change that. Since we are a site dedicated to live music, it only makes sense to look at the related web services and sites that serve all of US as a community of fans. I’d like to finally re-visit my original idea and dig a bit deeper into all the sites and services that form what we call “Live Music 2.0.”

enter site More (and much more to follow) over at Live Music Blog.

Twitterizing Facebook: Some Suggestions for Better Interactivity

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=w89zv84 I have been digging into Twitter a bit as of late (micro-blogging is all the rage!). Although it’s been around for a while now, it seems like it has really caught on in the last few months.  Unlike other social media applications/services (MySpace, Facebook), Twitter allows for some cool interactivity and utilizes some interesting coding to connect users and topics (here’s a Twitter primer for the uninitiated)

go to link I recently connected my Facebook page with my Twitter account so that all my tweets automatically get posted as status updates on Facebook.  But one thing I have noticed is that within the Facebook context, lots of my Twitter updates don’t make a lot of sense. This is mainly because I often use some of the extra coding and markings that work only with the Twitter application. For example, users can highlight certain topics by adding  hashtags (the # symbol) to words (like #finalfour). This allows for all posts with those hashtags to be grouped together and searched (i.e. if you’re tweeting about the super bowl, it’d be #superbowl). Another really useful tag is the @ symbol, which allows you to tag and respond to another user by writing @username (for me @whitperson).  These are key interactive features that have made Twitter such a popular social media tool.

https://geolatinas.org/46qzhadla After watching the way that integrating my Facebook book account with my Twitter feed has worked, I have been thinking that Facebook really needs to add some similar features to further extend Facebook’s interactive quality and, in a sense, to compete with the popularity of Twitter. Both features above (the hash tags for topics and the @name of friends), could really be useful within the Facebook context. For example, the @name feature could be useful if you want to call out a friend by name and have that update show up on their profile. I actually tried to do this in a recent status update, as I wanted to give a shout-out to some friends who have turned me on to music and musicians that I now love. I posted an update as a  “musical discovery shout out” to my friend Dave, but he had no idea that I tagged him becuase it didn’t automatically show up in his profile. On Twitter I would have tagged him as @DaveSmith and he would have seen that on his feed and have been able to respond immediately. That kind of interaction seems to be exactly the kind of thing Facebook would want to encourage.

https://purestpotential.com/l9qpbz7cc The #hashtag topics feature could also be very useful in discussing topics amongst your network of friends. For example, if you have a bunch of friends that are really into a certain TV show, they could easily post updates with a hash tag for the TV show, allowing for an ongoing and  open discussion of the show with all your Facebook friends.

enter Given some recent updates to the Facebook profile pages, it’s clear that Zuckerberg and crew are taking a serious look at Twitter’s popularity and understanding that Facebook needs to continue to innovate and adapt. They recently made some changes to give Facebook a more real-time, immediate type of interactivity, but I’d think if they were going to take some cues from Twitter, they’d find ways to emulate some of Twitter’s best interactive features. These seem to be two obvious candidates, and with the ever-expanding largesse of Facebook, adding features like these could have some resounding affects throughout the worldwide FB network.