My Tracks: Loop Pedal Lullabies

I <3 loops

I started digging back into some old loops I created earlier this year on my Digitech Jamman loop pedal. I’d forgotten some of the cool thematic/melodic stuff I put together, so I thought I’d post a couple sample tracks.

Unfortunately, on these samples, the lead guitar tone doesn’t get the much-needed reverb from my amp and the mix isn’t exactly perfect. But for simple one-time loops that were created on-the-fly, I think these are pretty solid and have some decent potential for full songs:

On Our Way

Golden Slumber

Someday, I’ll finally get this home studio set-up properly and give these themes more of a full-song treatment.

By the way, both loops have a bit of a lullaby feel, hence the name of the post.

my tracks: a little sample from my loop pedal

3/28 update:

Justin just clued me in on this nifty Yahoo Media Player plugin that converts all your mp3 files to playable tracks and includes an overlay media player on the bottom left of the site. I thought I’d update this old post with the new player. Good stuff, check it out:

The Grey Green


I thought I’d test out this audio player plugin with a little ditty from my loop pedal. I put this together on-the-fly a few nights ago.

let me know what you think.