diggin’ into the big apple, part II: new apartment in brooklyn

https://www.amyglaze.com/todgkphug Linds and I finally went back to NYC mid-July for the full apartment search. As most people will say, the apt. search in NYC is a whole different beast than it is in most other major U.S. cities. We’ve dealt with searches in Boston, Chicago, etc… but we knew we really had to gear up for the worst when dealing with NYC.

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click Luckily, we did our research and really honed in on a couple of key areas during a separate trip where we basically walked half of the city (well, maybe only a quarter, but it sure felt like half on Sunday!). It may have been a bit excessive, but I am really glad we made the scouting trip. Upon our return to the city, we were able to focus our apt. hunt on just a few areas of Brooklyn, including Cobble Hill, Boerum Hill, and Park Slope.


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Digging into the Big Apple – First Pre-Move Visit to NYC

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https://www.iql-nog.com/2025/01/19/7jvku61 Linds and I took an “exploratory trip” to NYC this past weekend, our first visit to NYC since we finalized our plans to make the move there this summer. With a city so vast and amazing as New York, we decided we needed to take a weekend just to explore some neighborhoods and see what would be the best fit for us. This photo above pretty much sums up the entire weekend, as we walked huge portions of the city (a good 4-6 hours each day). It was a great way to see a number of neighborhoods in Manhattan and Brooklyn, even though my feet were hating me by the end of each day. As Linds said, it felt like we went on a backpacking trip in the city. It was fun and exhausting, but the tasty food options really helped ease the pain…


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