Buy Cheap Valium Online I have been playing around with this one for a few weeks and decided it’s good enough to post. The name is taken from a song by the Disco Biscuits called “Floes“, which was written by their original drummer Sam Altman about the Northern Lights. That vibe just felt right for this one: Here’s one of my favorite new creations. I am not going to overthink it and will just let it speak for itself (in other words, I am at a loss for words as far as a description).
click here That said, I should clarify that the name — “Above the Waves” — is pulled directly from one of the marquee songs from the Disco Biscuits rock opera “Hot Air Balloon” which the band created in the late 90s. I caught up with my buddy Burke recently and he made a point to say how much he liked my live improv mixes, even though I don’t think he really considers himself a big live music/improv guy. In honor of summer, I recently put together two different all-improv, all-instrumental mixes around a “summer bliss” theme. I’m pretty darn happy with the final products, so I thought I should probably flag the new material on my site before the summer’s over!